Let's start with an assumption: the more extra virgin olive oil it
pinches, the tastier it is. The tingling is a symptom of good quality and, above all, of its freshness and the presence of active ingredients. product is not aged. The scraper in the throat when you taste it is, therefore, perfectly normal if we are talking about a product
of high quality. But let's go deeper: among the various components of extra virgin olive oil of olive there are polyphenols, molecules of active ingredients of different kinds, which are antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, soothing, in a word they are therapeutic. Among these there is one in particular, the oleocanthal, a polyphenol that among its benefits it has
that of being anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. It is also important specif Remember that the tingling of olive oil has nothing to do with the
acidity of the oil. In fact, acidity cannot be perceived by our senses. Oleificio Chimienti | From the earth, to the table.